
Friday, 6 May 2011

April Highlights

Hi all, the season is busy busy! We have had an interesting passage of migrants as summarised by Sarah Harris/Assistant Warden.

The 9th brought the first House Martins and Whitethroats of the season and the 10th marked the beginning of Dunlin passage with a single bird flying over North Haven. A Wryneck also seen on the 10th created excitement on the island. The 10th also brought the first Redstart, Sedge Warbler and Redpoll records for the year. The first Siskins were record on the 12th. A Great Northern Diver flew over the island on the 13th and a second record followed on the 29th. The first White Wagtail was seen on the 14th and one to two birds were seen on three days at the end of the month. Wheatears of the Greenland race, Leucorhoa, were seen from the 15th in low numbers and the first Grasshopper Warbler for the season was heard singing on the same day. New wader species for the season increased on the 16th and 17th with the arrival of Whimbrel and Common Sandpiper respectively. Ring Ouzel records began on the 17th followed by observations on four days thereafter (maximum of three). Black Redstarts and a were seen on the 18th and 20th. The first Pied Flycatcher for the year was also seen on the 18th and four Black-tailed Godwits were seen on the same day. The 19th brought two Tree Pipits, the first for the season. Another rarity for the island was a Turtle Dove seen wandering amongst Puffins at North Haven on the 20th! The bird remained for the rest of the month. A stunning Bar-tailed Godwit seen on the 30th finished the month nicely.