
Recent sightings/highlights




A Song Thrush at the Farm.


One Black Redstart at the Farm. A Lesser Whitethroat at North Valley Crossing. Three Wigeon on North Pond, the first of the autumn.


One Firecrest at North Valley Willows. A Redwing at the Farm.


Two Firecrest seen together at North Valley Willows. First Redwing of the year seen.



Ringtail Hen Harrier seen at North Valley Outfall.


Two Chaffinches seen at the Farm.


Five Short-eared Owls were seen at North Valley Crossing. Two Skylarks were seen; one at the Farm and one at the Amos.


A Barn Owl was seen at the Farm.


A Skylark was seen at the Harold Stone.


A Lapwing was seen at North Pond. Three Razorbills and a Guillemot were seen in South Haven.


Seven Spoonbill flew over the island. A Common Rosefinch was seen at Moorey Mere. A Red Kite was seen at North Haven.


A Red Kite was seen at North Haven, with another seen at Gorse Hill. A Spoonbill flew through North Valley. A Barn Owl was heard in the fields to the East of the farm. A juvenile Merlin was seen at the Garland Stone. Two Common Sandpiper were seen at Pigstone Bay.


A European Turtle Dove was seen at North Pond in the morning. A Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen at East Bog. A Reed Bunting was seen at the Farm.


A Hobby was spotted flying over North Valley.


A Grasshopper Warbler was heard on North Pond, and a Coot was also seen foraging on North Pond. Two Short-Eared Owls were hanging out on top of the Well, and a juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker was seen at the Farm.


A Bar-Tailed Godwit flew past Skomer Head, as well as both Red-Throated and Great Northern Diver. A small flock of Turnstones were spotted in North Haven, and a Grey Heron was hunting on Green Pond.


Our visiting Wryneck was spotted near the Harold Stone. A seawatch at Skomer Head yielded an immature Sabine's Gull, expertly spotted by Ted Wallen, as well as five Arctic Skua, two female Pintail, and Common, Arctic and Sandwich Terns.  North Pond proved a birding hotspot with species sighted including CootYellow WagtailTree Pipit, Ringed Plover, Reed Warbler, Snipe, Goldcrest, and Teal.


Balearic Shearwater and Pomarine Skua seen off Pigstone Bay, and spotted for the first time on Skomer since 1994, a Great Shearwater was seen by Mike and Ted Wallen on the water drifting past Bull Hole towards the Garland Stone!


Roseate Tern, Bonxie, Great Northern Diver, Arctic Tern and Common Gull seen whilst sea-watching. Wryneck at North Haven and Coot on Green Pond.


Two Tree Pipits at North Valley Crossing. Five Golden Plover seen at North Pond. Grey Heron, Whimbrel, Sand Martins and Grey Wagtail seen in North Valley. Mute Swan seen off the Mew Stone!


Five Snipe seen at North Pond. Pied Flycatchers seen at Farm and in North Valley. 11 Grey Heron seen crossing the island in a flock. Three Whinchat at the Wick. A fall of Spotted Flycatchers, Willow Warblers and Wheatear. Cuckoo and Short-eared Owl in North Valley. Wryneck at the Farm. 


Spoonbill seen at Farm. Yellow Wagtail and Dunlin seen at North Pond.


Pied Flycatcher at South Stream.


A Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher, and a Bluetit were seen at North Valley Crossing. A Wood Warbler was seen in North Valley. 10 Turnstone and a Red Kite were seen at North Haven.


A Tree Pipit was seen at South Stream. A Wryneck and a Goldcrest were seen at the Farm.


A female Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher, male Blackcap, and a Wryneck were seen at the Farm. a Green-veined White was seen at Garland Stone and Moorey Mere. Two Spotted Flycatchers were seen at North Valley Crossing, with another at Moorey Mere. A Goldcrest was seen at North Pond.



A Green Sandpiper was spotted on North Pond this morning. A Swift was seen over the fields to the East of the farm. A Golden Plover was seen in North Valley. A Garden Warbler and a Spotted Flycatcher were seen at the farm.


A Grey Wagtail was seen in North Haven and also at the Farm.


25 Whimbrel were seen flying over Skomer Head.


Three Turnstones were seen at North Haven


A Sabine's Gull and a Dark-morph Arctic Skua were seen at the Garland Stone. A Whimbrel was heard at South Stream.


A Pied Flycatcher was seen at Bull Hole in the afternoon.


An Arctic Skua and a Balearic Shearwater were seen at the Garland Stone.


A tagged female Grey Seal on Castle Bay was discovered to have been rescued by BDMLR from St Ives in February of 2022. They were rehabilitated and released on the North Cornish coast in April of the same year.


A Robin was spotted in the willows at Moorey Mere, and a Spotted Flycatcher was spotted hunting from North Valley Crossing. A rare Balearic Shearwater was seen from Skomer Head, as well as a Grey Heron from High Cliff.


On the Neck, A juvenile Cuckoo was spotted.


A visiting Snipe was spotted at Moorey Mere.

13th August

A Common Sandpiper was spotted on North Pond, and a Curlew was spotted flying inland from Bull Hole.

12th August

A Robin was seen at Moorey Mere.

11th August

A Dunlin was seen at Pigstone Bay. A Kestrel was seen at North Haven.

9th August

A Ringed Plover was seen at North Haven.

8th August

A Dunlin was seen at the Farm.

7th August

A Whinchat was seen at the Amos.

6th August

A female Blackcap was seen at North Haven. The first two Grey Seal pups of the year were spotted at Matthew's Wick. 

5th August

Female-type Marsh Harrier seen at North Pond.

3rd August

Two Black-headed Gulls were seen at North Haven.

2nd August

Female-type Marsh Harrier at North Pond. A Grey Heron was seen at The Wick. A Whimbrel was seen at North Haven.

Moth trap highlights included Mullein Wave, Small Angle Shades, and Oak Eggar with the most populous being the Lackey.

1st August

Two Grey Herons seen at North Haven. A Swift and a Song Thrush were seen at the Farm.


31st July

A Sunfish was seen at North Haven.

30th July

A Water Rail was seen at North Valley Crossing. A Kestrel and two Emperor Dragonflies were seen at Green Pond.

29th July

16 Swifts were seen at North Haven. Two Red Kites and Ravens were seen squabbling at the Farm. 

28th July

A Song Thrush was seen at The Farm. A Hummingbird Hawk-moth was seen at Bull Hole.

27th July

A Grey Heron was seen at North Pond

25th July

A Kestrel was seen at Green pond, a Cuckoo at North Valley, and a Marsh Harrier at Bull Hole.

24th July

The first Black-legged Kittiwake fledgling of the season was spotted in flight at High Cliff this morning, as well as a Cuckoo flying into the willows in North Valley.

22nd July

A Black-tailed Godwit and two Coots were seen at North Pond.

21st July

Grey Wagtail was seen at North Haven, a Kestrel at the Amos and two juvenile Willow Warblers at the Farm. A Clouded Yellow butterfly was seen on the ragwort by Moorey Mere. 

20th July

The first juvenile Short-eared Owl of the season was seen in North Valley.

19th July 

Cuckoo seen at Moorey Mere. 

18th July

Female-type Marsh Harrier seen at North Pond.

14th July

Blackcap at the Farm. 14 Common Scoter spotted off Skomer Head.

11th July

Fledged Curlew chick seen at Wick Stream. 

10th July

The colour-ringed female Peregrine which bred at the Wick this year on Skomer was discovered to have been ringed as a nestling only two years ago in Ceredigion. 

Nine Black-headed Gulls were spotted flying over the Farm.

8th July

A Guillemot ringed in 1987 was resighted at Payne's Ledge by guillemot fieldworker Molly - a staggering 37 years old.

5th July

Fledged Curlew spotted in the fields west of the Farm.

4th July

Fulmar chicks spotted at The Basin. 

1st July

Moth trap highlights included Shark, Mottled Beauty, Common Emerald, several Map-winged Swifts and a nice variety of other species, with the most plentiful by far being the Bright-line Brown Eye. 


30th June

Fledgling Swallows seen at the Farm. Black-tailed Godwit at Moorey Mere.

29th June

Black-tailed Godwit seen at North Pond. First Chough fledgling at High Cliff. 

25th June

Woodchat Shrike seen at the Farm by the chicken sheds. 

24th June

Twelve Common Swift throughout the day. Starlings at End Wall Ridge and the Farm.

23rd June

Moth trap highlights included Cream-bordered Green Pea

22nd June

First Guillemot chick jumped. Two Short-eared Owl chicks heard at the gap in the wall, east of the Farm.

20th June

Grey Heron off the Amos.

19th June 

Spoonbill still present, seen roosting with gulls at West Pond. First Manx Shearwater chick hatched.

18th June

Spoonbill at North Pond.

17th June

Grey Heron at North Haven. Pod of Common Dolphin off North Haven. Common Swift over Bull Hole and four Starlings at End Wall Ridge. First Razorbill jumpling left the cliffs.

15th June

Kittiwake chicks at South Stream.

12th June

Lesser Redpoll at North Valley Rise. Thrift Clearwing moth spotted at Pigstone Bay.

11th June

Spotted Flycatcher at North Valley Crossing

9th June

Female Wigeon on North Pond.

2nd June

Buzzard chick at Amy's Reach. 

1st June

First Guillemot chick at Amos. Reed Warbler and Spotted Flycatcher Moorey Mere. One Shoveler duckling at North Pond. 


30th May

Bonxie (Great Skua) seen from North Haven. Peregrine chick at the Wick. 

29th May

First Razorbill chick at Bull Hole.

28th May

Spotted Flycatcher in the Farm. 

27th May

Four Spotted Flycatcher in the fields west of the Farm.

26th May

A small fall of Spotted Flycatcher with one at North Haven, two at North Valley Crossing and three at North Valley Willows. Two Lesser Redpoll and a Collared Dove at the Farm. 

25th May

Spotted Flycatcher seen at Farm. 

24th May

Two Common Scoter seen from the boat.

23rd May

Stonechat fledglings at Gorse Hill. 

21st May

Grasshopper Warbler heard just north of the farm and a pair of Shelducks on North Pond have six ducklings. First Raven fledglings at the Amos. A Hobby was seen near The Wick. 

20th May

A fledged Shag was seen at the Garland Stone and the first Herring Gull chicks of the season were seen at Tom's House. Spotted Flycatcher and House Sparrow seen at the farm and a Puffin was seen at The Wick with sand eels. 

19th May

Our first Greater Black-backed Gull chicks seen near the farm.

18th May

First Kittiwake egg at South Stream. Dunlin at Moorey Mere.

17th May

First Lesser Black-backed Gull chicks seen at South Stream. 

16th May

Yellow Wagtail seen at North Haven. 

15th May

An evening Curlew watch confirmed at least four territories, with two broods - four chicks east of the Farm, and two on Gorse Hill. 

14th May

Great Northern Diver and Dunlin seen on a morning sea-watch. Two Redpoll at North Haven.

13th May 

Gadwall with 11 ducklings seen at North Pond. Ringed Plover over North Pond. Spotted Flycatcher at the Farm and North Valley Crossing. Golden Plover over Green Pond. 

12th May 

Juvenile male Black Redstart and male Redstart at Farm. Four Redpoll, Garden Warbler and Spot Flycatchers at North Valley Crossing. Black-tailed Godwit and Greenshank in North Valley. 13 Common Scoter off Garland Stone. First Fulmar egg at the Basin. Dunlin over Farm.

11th May 

Dotterel seen flying east off Skomer Head by Mike and Ted Wallen! Garden Warbler, Lesser Redpoll, Chaffinch, Black Redstart and three Spotted Flycatchers at the Farm, and a further nine Spotted Flycatchers between the Farm and North Valley Crossing. Great Skua seen off Skomer Head. 23 Red Kites seen over the island from the mainland. Two Lesser Whitethroats at South Stream. Garden Warbler at North Haven. First Oystercatcher chick seen Pigstone Bay.

10th May

Black Redstart and Lesser Redpoll seen at Farm. Great Northern Diver and three Red-throated Divers seen at Garland Stone. A group of ten Common Scoter flew along the west coast. Spotted Flycatcher at Farm. Kestrel seen near Farm. Reed Warbler singing at North Valley Crossing. Lesser Whitethroat at North Valley Willows. Ringed Plover at the Harold Stone. Water Rail calling at North Pond. 

9th May

Redpoll seen over the Farm. Coal Tit at the Amos. White Wagtail seen west of South Pond. Three Collared Doves at North Valley Crossing.

8th May

Dunlin at Moorey Mere. Grey Plover seen flying over Farm.

5th May

Glossy Ibis still present at Bull Hole in the morning. In a good day for migrants, Garden Warbler, Pied Flycatcher and Spotted Flycatcher were all seen. 

4th May

Glossy Ibis seen feeding at West Pond before moving to near Bull Hole. Only the third Skomer record, it's the first time this species has been seen on land here. Whinchat seen at Gorse Hill. 

1st May

Kittiwakes have started nest-building at South Stream. 


30th April

At west pond, a flock of 21 Black Tailed Godwits were sighted as well as a Cuckoo at North Valley and Bull Hole and a Spotted Flycatcher, also in North Valley.

28th April

A Merlin was seen again near the Mew Stone and the Little Owl was also seen again in the fields to the west of the farm.

27th April

Today we saw our first Guillemot egg at South Stream and a Garden Warbler was heard at Moorey Mere. A Merlin was also seen at South Haven. 

26th April

We saw our first Razorbill egg today at the basin!

25th April

A Grasshopper Warbler  was heard again at Moorey Mere and a Little Owl was seen in the fields to the west of the farm.

24rd April

Golden Plover heard calling at North Haven and a Bonxie was seen off the Amos.

22nd April

Golden Plover seen and heard at the farm.

21st April 

Two Swifts were seen flying over the farm and a Common Whitethroat was seen at Moorey Mere.

20th April

House Sparrow seen at the Farm. Distant Grey Heron seen from North Haven and a Black-tailed Godwit was seen at Moorey Mere.

Cuckoo seen in South Park. First Herring Gull egg of the season at the Wick Basin. Common Sandpiper at North Haven. First two Swifts of the year. 

18th April

Stock Dove at Lantern. First Hummingbird Hawk-moth of the year. 

16th of April

Three Rooks seen at the farm.

14th of April

The Green Sandpiper was seen again at Moorey Mere. Our first Sedge Warbler of the season was heard in North Valley and a Reed Bunting was heard in the fields east of the farm.

13th of April 

We had our first Little Egret of the season seen flying over North Haven. It was a busy day with a Green Sandpiper also seen at Moorey Mere.

12th April

A male and a female Pied Flycatcher seen at the Farm, where a Grasshopper Warbler was also heard reeling with a further reeling bird at Moorey Mere. A Cuckoo was seen in North Valley and a Golden Plover was seen in the fields east of the farm. 

10th April 

Reed Bunting at Moorey Mere

7th April 

Several more Sandwich Tern seen off Skomer Head. 

6th April

Sandwich Tern seen in North Haven. 

4th April

Grey Plover seen at Farm. 


26th March 

Firecrest spotted by volunteer Alison at North Pond. First Willow Warbler and Swallow of the year. 

17th March

Bonxie seen looping North Haven. First Sand Martin of the year whizzed past Garland Stone.

16th March

Little Grebe seen on North Pond. First Puffins on land, with 3000 briefly descending at North Haven. Two Black Redstarts present.

15th March

Female-type Black Redstart seen at the Farm.

11th March

First Wheatear of the year seen at Pigstone Bay. Raven, Chough and Shag seen nest building. A fall of Goldcrests and Chiffchaffs.

10th March

Spring migration feels like it's really beginning with the first Chiffchaff and Blackcap of the season. Little Owl seen on ridge near Skomer Head. Pod of 80 Common Dolphin seen from Skomer Head.

7th March

First Manx Shearwater of the season heard at North Haven.

6th March

The island's first Bullfinch since 2017 was found at the Farm before flying to North Valley Willows, where the first Goldcrest of the year was also seen. 

4th March

First Puffin seen in North Haven.

3rd March 

22 Curlew seen at Garland Stone. Shags and Chough nest building. Two Short-eared Owls heard hooting and wing-clapping from Farm. White-tailed Bumblebee queen seen North Valley Crossing.

2nd March

Male Gadwall seen on North Pond.


29th February 

Count of 137 Oystercatchers at South Stream. Ravens incubating on nest at the Wick. A solitary Blue Tit spotted at North Valley Crossing. Two Hen Harriers seen at Gorse Hill.

28th February 

Guillemots, Razorbills and Fulmars on the cliffs on our arrival at North Haven. Kestrel and Merlin spotted. Wigeon, Teal and Mallard on North Pond.

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