
Monday, 1 June 2009

Monday 1st June

Its only been a few days, but a lot has been happening since the last update. On Thursday 28th, we had a visit form Rhodri Morgan, the first minister for Wales. He came with a few Wildlife Trust and CCW staff for the official opening of the Skomer Island Restoration Project, combined with the 50th annivarsary of Skomer being designated a National Nature Reserve. The day went very well and there was a piece on the news about it.

The weekend was a busy one, we reached our maximum number of day visitors every day, helped I'm sure by stunning weather. Long may it last!

The first of June brings the start of the cliff- nesting bird counts and we have been lucky with the weather again. Light winds and sunshine have meant we were able to get a full day out on the boat counting Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes and Fulmars, its one of the perks of this job! We have a couple of weeks to get all the counts done and will keep you posted with our progress. At the moment all I can say is there are a lot of them.

Till next time, thanks for reading,

Dave M (Assistant Warden)

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