
Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Hello from Amy and Jonathan, on a wet and windy island!

Amy Corton, Assistant Warden and
 Jonathan Parsons, Visitor Services Officer
Hello, I thought I'd introduce myself. My name is Amy Corton, I'm the new Assistant Warden on Skomer Island. I'm really excited about working here for the summer and seeing how the island changes throughout the season.

I've been here for just over a week now and I've been exploring the island and getting used to how everything works. I've not been put off by the bad weather (yet!) but I have been wearing four fleeces at the same time to keep warm.

The island seems much bigger than it actually is; there are so many different paths around and so much to see. Yesterday, I took the history trail from the path which leads to the Garland Stone and enjoyed looking at the ancient wall lines, field boundaries and prehistoric hut foundations. This is the best time of year to look at the history of the island, before the bracken and vegetation grows up and obscures much of it.

At the cliffs I think my favourite bird is the fulmar, gliding stiff-winged across the waves or riding the air currents coming up from the sea I think they really look like they are enjoying themselves.

Hopefully the weather will improve and we'll have some visitors soon!

Assistant Warden

My name is Jonathan and I am the Visitor Services Officer for 2010. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to welcome any overnight guests to the island so far. As Jerry reported the other day, the weather is against us.

As the season continues, I am looking forward to helping visitors to enjoy Skomer around the clock. The Manx Shearwaters have been particularly active over the last few nights, the only way you can see them is to stay the night.

If you are interested in an overnight visit to Skomer, please check the trust website for details of how to book and current availability.

But, please don't think I haven't been kept busy! There has been lots of jobs on the island for all of the staff and volunteers to get stuck into.

Hoping to see you on the island soon.

Visitor Services Officer

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