
Saturday, 23 October 2010

This feels like Autumn now.

Autumn sunrise on Skomer.

One of the best things about this time of year is you don't have to get up early to see the sun rise (assuming it does rise, today it was massively overcast and I got up early to watch the lightning). Similarly, the sunsets are early enough that one can fit in a walk to watch one and get back for dinner.

Sunset from Skomer Head.

With the weather as it is things are very quiet around the farm and it feels like the birds are reclaiming the place. The courtyard holds groups of blackbirds, blue and great tits, robins and house sparrows. All hopping round in front of my kitchen window. The highlight from this position has been a snow bunting feeding just outside and a barn owl hanging out round the old outside shower room.

Snow Bunting in the courtyard.

Just because it's quiet doesn't mean there's no work, on the contrary we've spent much of the last week sorting out some of the footpaths on Skomer; filling in potentially ankle-twisting holes creased by rogue rabbits and widening sections where it's on the verge of collapse. Other maintenance tasks include work on the rabbit exclosures and hides, work that often gets put off during the rest of the year when monitoring takes priority.

Dave, contemplating the only route into The Lantern (that shingle area).

Seals continue to give birth all over the place, from some of the difficult-to-reach caves to right in the middle of our landing beach.

Young seals on the beach at North Haven.

Fingers crossed for a good half-term week.

Jerry Gillham
Assistant Warden for Skokholm and Skomer

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