
Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Skomer on BBC2, Hidden Histories 10th Feb.

Hidden Histories - A TV series discovering the Heritage of Wales will be showing on BBC 2 at 7:30pm. Sadly there were no puffins used in the making of the documentary, but lots of interesting archaeological findings. The day we filmed it rained a lot, so expect lots of smiling faces in a wild location - Skomer in its finest! It brings together what aerial photography can bring alive for our pasts.

In the meantime the Skomer team (2011) is currently in the process of being built.

So far we welcome Sarah Harris as the Skomer Assistant Warden and we welcome the return of Jerry Gillam as the Seasonal Skokholm Warden.

Sarah has spent the last three seasons working on the Calf of Man Bird Observatory. She will be joining us on the 1 March.

Other winter tasks involve pulling together all the monitoring data from 2010, the seabird report should be available soon.

A full monitoring update will be given at the Friends of the Island reunion and will be available here after that.


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