
Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Bird log highlights from the last few days

Some highlights from the last few days - managed to get ahead of tasks so had more time to get out today!

First Puffins out to sea.

First Manxie on land

Hen Harrier (ring tail)
4 Chiff chaff
7 Goldcrest
100 Starling
2 Chaffinch

First Stonechat
4 Chiff chaff
6 Goldcrest
40 Jacdaw

Several Manxies heard during bird log
Numbers of gannets around the island increasing (36 today)
13 Cormorant flying over in a flock
1 Heron - Sarah Harris Skomer tick
Hen Harrier (ring tail)
8 Buzzard
74 Oystercatcher
1 Dunlin
8 Turnstone
31 Kittiwake
1 Puffin
194 Meadow Pipits!!!!! (usually c.50 territories on the island come proper breeding time)
4 Chiff chaff
2 Goldcrest

Peacock butterfly
68 Seals

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