
Saturday, 12 May 2012

Photoblog. 12 May 2012

Nightjar - brief visit on 5th May Lewis Yates

Puffins....Chris Taylor

Puffins Chris Taylor
Bluebells and Sea Champion are really looking stunning. Chris Taylor

Razorbills - plenty are now on eggs Chris Taylor

Razorbills also resting near to nest ledges Chris Taylor

Puffin reaching around to get to its preening gland. The preening gland secrets a waxy oil that is used to maintain feather condition to ensure they effectively repel water.....and to look good for your partner(s). Chris Taylor

Preening puffin. Chris Taylor

1 comment:

  1. Hello Chris,we are class 8 from Bigyn Primary school in Llanelli and we are studying Pembrokeshire and Skomer Island at the moment. We were wondering if you could answer some of our questions when you have a spare 5 minutes in your busy day!
    How do you do your shopping? from Jordan.
    What is like to handle the wildlife? from Sidney.
    What is the best time of year to visit the island? from Sophie.
    Is it difficult to keep track of all the birds? from Garen.
    What is your favourite type of bird? from Lucas.
    How many birds are there at the moment? from Lydia.
    What is the best and worst job on Skomer? from Brandon.
    Thank you in advance. Mrs Williams and class 8.
