
Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Are there any puffins on the island?

This is a frequent question at this time of year.......
Puffins are still here and can generally be seen until the end of July with some hanging on through til mid-August. A lot of the puffin chicks have fledged now (not all as some adults are still coming in with fish). The pufflings tend to fledge 2 or 3 weeks before the adults leave and the young are left to fend for themselves.

This picture below was taken this evening. There are birds of all ages ("teenagers" and adults) socialising around burrows looking for mates and suitable burrows.

Skomer Warden

Lots of weather fronts passing through.........views towards Skokholm

Lots of water means lots of work for our volunteers building board walks and digging drainage (Howard)

Still lots of Razorbills and Guillemots on the cliffs. Many have fledged young now.

Lost puffins in a jungle of Yorkshire fog which seems to be beating the Rabbits and growing rapidly.
Rabbit on The Istmus

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