
Thursday 25 April 2013

1,2 miss a few 17,228

Today we counted the puffins again and although there were slightly less around and the weather was not perfect we still counted the astronomical figure of 17,228. It is seems we have just hit the right period for counting: The puffins are not yet on eggs, it is a late season.
Puffins congregating on a slope

Number 17,228

Our "Silver Back" who lives just outside the North Haven building
Also noteworthy was the finding of a Short-eared Owl nest containing four eggs by James, our long-term volunteer, and the first sightings of Whitethroats and Swifts. Unbelievably the Pallid Harrier was still around and obviously hunting successfully around North Valley and the Farm (see picture).
Pallid Harrier with full crop: Spot the Skomer Vole :-) (L. Yates)
Other highlights include:
17 Brent Geese
1 Cuckoo
1 Tree Pipit
1 Yellow Wagtail
Westerly movement of hirundines

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