
Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Beauty and the beast

After almost an entire spring carting luggage from the landing to the farm we have at last got our tractor back in action and the pictures below are proof that we are now fully mobile. The wheels had to be manually handled down the landing steps and then, worst of all, back again, see From suncream to waterproofs...


There were no boats today as there was northerly winds and even a weather warning from the coast guards. The weather was however fairly sunny and on a walk to count a gull colony a friend from Norfolk (Jamie Boulter) and myself managed to spot this lovely female Subalpine Warbler in the brambles and bluebells in South Stream.
Subalpine sunshine
Todays Highlights:
Big numbers of shearwaters offshore
Third confirmed Short-eared Owl nest
Swift 3
Sand Martin 1
A movement of House Martins: c.300
Common Whitethroat 10
Subalpine Warbler 1
Sedge Warbler 12
Willow Warbler 1
Spotted Flycatcher 3+

Eddie Stubbings, Skomer Warden


  1. Hi Dave. I'm doing some things for the Pembs Avifauna. Any chance I can use Subalp pic if space?
    Looks v cold pale, in pic any chance Eastern? Mike Y-P (can be contacted through Pembs Blog email)

  2. We're driving down to Skomer from North Wales in the morning - four and a half hour drive it says on route maps! 3am start to get there for when the booking office opens at 8am - worried sick we won't get on the first boat as we have to drive back the same day! Really looking forward to it though despite the drive and my youngest daughter is coming to - she loves puffins! Hoping the weather stays nice!

  3. had a wonderful time on Skomer yesterday - well worth the long drive down from North Wales - was over the moon to see short eared owls and the colours of the bluebells and red campion were absolutely glorious - we'll be back in a couple of weeks to see the puffins bringing in fish for their young!
