
Friday 15 November 2013

Last blog of 2013

We are fast approaching the end of November and we now need to take advantage of any window in the weather to get ourselves off the island for a few months rest. That window is coming up this weekend and we are packing and should be ready to leave by Saturday. We will be continuing our seal monitoring work right up until the morning we leave. We have just past the 180 pups born mark, making another record pupping season.

Here are a few pictures of some of our breeding Grey Seals and their pups from this year. Also, a few other highlights of the year and from this autumn.

A Goldcrest after flying into our bedroom window, Nov

Fulmars returned to the island in Nov to claim winter territories

A flock of winter starlings

A November storm
Puffins and a Rainbow in May
A new born pup this week
Grey Seal bull
A shy Grey Seal pup moulting its white fur
We apologise that the blog has been seal dominated over the last month or so but the seals became a major part of our lives on Skomer this autumn and we think that they are fascinating animals. We could have told so many intriguing stories about the struggles of a Grey Seal pupping season but our internet has been intermittent and we will need to let the pictures do the talking for now.
Thank you to everyone who has made the 2013 season on Skomer such a special one and see you all next year for another year in the life of Skomer.
Ed and Bee, Skomer Wardens