
Tuesday 11 March 2014

Final countdown...

Well today's the day, we're finally moving out to the island. A little later than we would have liked, but today the sea's are perfect for travel (light Beaufort 3 winds from the E/NE) and we're raring to go! We're all eager to see what state the island is in after an Autumn of severe Atlantic gales, and are expecting there to be considerable clear up and repair work needed to be done on the various island buildings over the next few weeks, but we're primed and ready for whatever we're presented with - this is an island exposed to the full force of North Atlantic weather after all, so nothing will come as a surprise!

Of course, we are also looking forward to seeing what the islands wildlife is up to. Our nesting seabirds will be returning soon, with various seabird islands around the UK reporting their first returning puffins and Manx shearwaters, while we are seeing guilemots, razorbills, fulmars and kittiwakes dotted off Martins Haven and the waters surrounding Skomer. Birds of prey and corvids are also making their presence felt, with lots of display and calling from the local choughs, ravens, peregrines and buzzards on the mainland. Furthermore, the first summer migrants are being seen in the area. Wonder what the island is hiding...

Well I better go, as there is about 10 tonnes of food and luggage to be ferried down into Martins Haven (well, maybe not quite that much!).  Skomer awaits...

Jason Moss, Skomer Assistant Warden

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