
Friday 4 April 2014

Seabird appeal and conference

Yesterday a conference (Pembrokeshire's Seabird Islands: Past, Present and Future Prospects) was held at Cardiff University to highlight the importance of Pembrokeshire's seabird islands in the modern world and the significance of the research that has been going on for decades on Skomer and the other islands for decision making and scientific advancement. Iolo Williams delivered a speech to round up the other talks and reiterate the importance of the long term, continuous monitoring of our internationally important seabird populations. The conference was supported by the following organisations.

If you follow our blog you may already know about the large wreck of auks (especially Puffins) that occurred in the North West Atlantic at the start of the year and the fact that funding was cut on one of Skomers longest standing research projects into Guillemot ecology. As a result of this double whammy of bad news for our seabirds the Wildlife Trust has launched an appeal to help continue this work. Details can be found at
I'm sure our Puffins, Guillemots, Storm Petrels and other seabirds would appreciate all the hard work we put in on their behalf.

Talking of hard work, I will be running in the Brighton marathon on Sunday to raise money for the Marine Conservation Society. You can sponsor me online by going to:
Any support is very welcome.

Eddie Stubbings, Skomer Warden

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