
Saturday, 15 November 2014

Sunny Evening

Sunny spells have been a rare treat in the last two months but this week we had several nice evenings. On one of these I went to the Amos and to the Wick to check for seal pups. I didn't find the pup at the Amos, maybe it was hiding, but I was greeted by a great number of Fulmars. This year we had 41 pairs of Fulmars breeding in the Basin (opposite the Amos) and they always seem to enjoy soaring around the cliffs, but on that evening they appeared to be more playful and adventurous than I had ever experienced. I was sitting on the cliff edge and the Fulmars were flying really close infront of me, above me and below me - some came shooting down from behind so that I ducked because I thought they would land on my head. I think they were just as curious as I was and wanted to have a good look at me.

These Fulmar pictures were taken without any zoom!
I could have tickled its belly if I had wanted to :-)
The Wick at sunset at 16.00h - Long nights
Whilst I had fun with the Fulmars, Ed had gone onto the Neck to check these beaches for seal pups. At Castle Bay he came across a female which had just given birth. The afterbirth was lying next to her and of course it had attracted gulls. Although the gulls were not interested in her pup they seemed to annoy the female enormously. It was rather funny to watch her chase off the birds.

Look at these teeth and then you know why one should never come between a mother and her pup

(Skomer Warden)

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