
Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Seabird update part 2

The most recent highlight regarding the islands seabirds is that the Kittiwakes have laid their first eggs, with the first incubating adults noted on 19th May. Kittiwakes have been seen busily collecting nesting material (a mixture of mud and plant material) from Moory Mere for a while now, giving particularly good views of this delicate seabird.  The other, larger gulls are all on eggs across the island. Fulmars however are still yet to lay eggs.

One species which is way ahead of the others with regards to breeding is the Shags. The regular breeding pair on the Garland Stone already has chicks and, while it is rather distant, the nest contents can be seen with a telescope. The Manxies are currently underground in their burrows, incubating eggs, with the first egg laid on 1st May. A few particularly dark nights have seen spectacularly high numbers come ashore, creating quite a night-time spectacle. We are still waiting the first returning Storm Petrels, but with birds already in the colonies on Skokholm, we shouldn't have to wait much longer.

So that's the seabirds so far. Plenty more yet to see, and we will keep you informed as the season progresses. In the mean time, keep an eye out later in the spring for another update on the islands breeding landbirds...

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