
Monday, 11 May 2015

Today was a great day on Skomer... It all started with a report of a green and yellow bird at birdlog last night. This prompted Leighton to get up early and have a look. What he found was, not one Golden Oriole, but four! This is a record count for Skomer and an amazing occurrence of four overshooting migrants that found Skomer Island to their liking for the day. These four orioles were accompanied by a Quail, a Cuckoo, a Nightingale, a Lesser Whitethroat and many, more common, migrants such as swallows and Goldfinches. Today also saw some resident species such as Short-eared Owl showing more settled signs of breeding (they had been very quiet of late).

Here are a few snaps of what were surprisingly hard birds to photograph.

   See the recent sightings tab for all of our recent highlights.

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