
Friday, 30 October 2015

Autumn on Skomer in pictures

Autumn is a truly amazing time on Skomer and the main thing that makes it special is the wildlife. Here's a selection of pictures from the last two weeks. 

Distant Jack Snipe on North Pond, 21st October

We have had a Hen Harrier present on the island for the last two weeks and at one point we had two! A pleasure to watch

Black Redstarts have started to arrive over the last few days, this one at the farm

Sparrowhawks have been regular recently, there's no shortage of tasty passerines for them to hunt. This one with a ring

Snipe numbers have been increasing as the month goes on with a maximum count of 11 on 28th October. Just watching the Hen Harrier hunt almost guarantees a sighting of snipe as they are flushed

Reed Buntings seem to be in nearly all of the bushes at the moment with 19 and 18 our highest counts over the past two weeks (we don't have many bushes)

One very obliging Chiffchaff at Moorey Mere, still couldn't get the full bird in though, something to be said for my photography skills

Whilst carrying out Hen Harrier roost counts on 18th October we had 15 Short-eared Owls in the fields West of the Farm! 

Two Barn Owls roosted in the farmhouse on 17th October and one has been seen most days since

And to finish a couple of pictures of Seal Pups. This has been one of my highlights of the year!
It's a tough life being a seal pup

It's also a tough life having to monitor them... we have now hit 200 pups! 

Seal pub blowing bubbles in Seal Hole Cave

Leighton (Skomer Visitor Officer)

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