
Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Ta-ra for now

The last island inhabitants have now moved back to the mainland so the island and it's wildlife get a break and we look forward to seeing it again next year. As most of us will be taking a well earned break over the next three months blog posts will be less frequent. We will, however, still use the blog to advertise Long Term Volunteer positions and other things will turn up from time to time so do keep an eye out.

When we left the island, only a few days ago, the Fulmars were returning from their 'honeymoons' and Guillemots, Razorbills and Kittiwakes could be seen around the island once more. The seals were approaching the end of the pupping season and many were starting to moult. By the time the island opens again next Easter the Puffins will be back and a few spring flowers should be just showing there heads.

It has been a wonderful season on Skomer again and we would like to thank everyone who help make it so.

So thanks again and ta-ra till next season.

Nadoli Llawen

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