
Monday 4 April 2016

Gone a bit nutty

Do you like ginger nuts? Yes? Well so does our work party - or at least we hope they do as we made over 200 of these brown biscuits. I do admit that we didn't make so many intentionally but more out of sheer desperation. 
The reason why we had to bake such a mountain was because the recipe that Ed had written down was a bit confusing and instead of using one egg, Tanya put six into the mix. Luckily she noticed her mistake before she tried to roll the very wet dough into balls and solved the problem by adding more of the other ingredients, resulting in 200 ginger nuts and rather nutty bakers...
Quite a lot...

...and there is more to come

Today the work party was in full swing (when they weren't munching on ginger nuts) and even the wildlife was making an appearance on this lovely warm, sunny and calm day.

Oystercatchers getting ready to breed

Still a bit bare but the Bluebells are growing

Team Rabbit

Skylarks and Meadow Pipits were singing today, the Short-eared Owl was making the most of the calm weather and was out hunting in the afternoon, there were Wheatears galore, Goldfinches and Linnets flying over, Sand Martins hunting over Green Pond and the bushes were alive with Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers.

Another seal enjoying the sun on our boat

And then, in the afternoon, the Puffins arrived. We counted 3753 alone in North Haven.

And last but not least I would like to invite you to take part in this little quizz:

I found a sack of about 100 of these plastic things in the workshop and no one knows what they are. I am afraid to throw them away as we will surely need them as soon as they are gone. 

So I need your help! Please tell me (or guess) what these round plastic things are. 

The best answer will receive a price - a Ginger Biscuit!

Dave Perry thinks they are Laughing Cow cheese triangle mould

(Skomer Warden)

PS: Thanks Sonia for the lovely wildlife photos!


  1. Ed thingks they are water tank panel spacers from the building works on Skomer 10 years ago

  2. I thought they were something to do with cables, for passing them down a conduit keeping them away from the sides. Just a guess.

  3. Steve Sutcliffe told us they are spacers inside walls to hold the insulation.

  4. I think you could give them a new use for cane wigwams to grow beans up. Put a cane in each one and then spread the canes wide at the base.

  5. It looks a lot like a spacer which get attached to the reinforcing bars in concrete to make sure that the bars are encased in enough depth of concrete - like these if links work.
