
Wednesday 22 March 2017

9 days and counting

The time has flown: only 9 days to opening. Slowly but surely we are getting a little bit nervous... Are we going to have everything ready? Are all signs up, the rope at the Wick in place, the landing steps scrubbed and algae free...?

As you can imagine we have been very busy since we got over on the 6th. We haven't really had any time off. Last Saturday Sarah and Leighton tried very hard to dodge work when they came down to North Haven library to watch a film- unfortunately I had the brilliant idea to get them to mend bird ringing nets whilst watching - which they did expertly.

The weather has been a bit of a challenge this March, it has been windy, cold and very wet - everything is muddy and we are really hankering for some sunshine. Yesterday we heard an enormous bang (not the firing range for once) and shortly after the heavens opened. It haled so hard that even the seals on the beach raced into the water in confusion.

Photo: S. Purdon

An hour later the sun came out, melted the hale and transformed a rather bleak looking Skomer into the colorful and radiating island so many visitors love.

The skies at this time of year are ever changing and shift hand in hand with the weather. Great photo opportunities!

On sunny days the cliffs of Skomer are full of Guillemots and Razorbills and the faithful Fulmars have been at their breeding sites since last November.

We now regularly get large rafts of Puffins sitting offshore and we have had the odd brave bird land on Skomer. We are waiting eagerly for the evening when they decide to land en masse to reclaim their burrows. Other wildlife which keeps us company are the Ravens, which are incubating eggs already and Chough, which are in the process of building nests.

Raven keeping an eye on its territory

Migrants also keep us entertained especially the stunning looking male Wheatears which are moving through.

Hope to see you soon

(Skomer Warden)

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