
Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Trixie little seal

On the 29th of May, almost one month ago, we noticed a seal with an orange flipper tag in North Haven. We worked hard to read the tag and get photos so that we could find out where it came from and discover more about it.

Orange 80191
Orange 80191 was born in Devon last year so is only just over half a year old. She (yes apparently she is a female) was picked up in Salcombe late last year and was released on the 7th of February this year at Combe Martin, North Devon. The RSPCA staff that rehabilitated her named her Trixie during her stay with them in Devon. Seals move around a lot and it is not particularly surprising that a seal can make it from North Devon to South West Wales but what will be interesting is what happens to Trixie next. Where will she go now, when will she start breeding and where will she pup?

Trixie the Devonshire seal

Trixie seems to be quite a curious seal and habituated to humans. She often comes up to the boat dropping off passengers at the steps in North Haven and will swim around our little tender as we come and go from the beach. She seems to have a favorite little spot for hauling out on the western side of North Haven between the steps and the beach where she likes to watch the Puffins.

Curious seal
Trixie watching Puffins in North Haven
Hopefully the code on the tag will stand up to the wear and tear that Trixie will inevitably put it through and more can be learned about her and Grey Seals in general. If you have any sightings of Trixie or any marked seals please report them to us at

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