
Monday 11 October 2021

A Summary of Welsh Wednesday 2021

This year, the Skomer Team introduced a new concept at our Sales Point: Welsh Bird of the Week. Seeing how much our visitors engaged with this initiative, the concept also went digital, being shared on our Social Media platforms, and dubbed "Welsh Wednesday".

It's been a great opportunity for the island team, as well as our visitors and followers, to engage further with the wonderful Welsh language.

Many of you have asked for a full online guide of Skomer wildlife in Welsh. While we are, as yet, unable to deliver on this (the team is made up of Welsh learners themselves!), we thought it would be nice to compile a list of birds which have been featured in the 2021 season. 

Keep an eye out for one mammal species that also featured this year!

So, in (Welsh) alphabetical order:

Aderyn Drycin Manaw

© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Aderyn Drycin Manaw

English: Manx Shearwater

Meaning: Manx Storm Bird

Brân Goescoch

A pair of chough
© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Brân Goescoch 

English: Chough 

Meaning: Red-legged Crow


© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Brongoch

English: Robin

Meaning: Red Breast


© Skomer Volunteer Warden / WTSWW

Welsh: Cigfran 

English: Raven 

Meaning: Meat-crow 

Copsyn y Môr 

© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Copsyn y Môr 

English: Great black-backed gull 

Meaning: Sea scamp


© Skomer Warden / WTSWW

Welsh: Drilyn 

English: Kittiwake 


© Skomer Assstant Warden / WTSWW

Welsh: Dryw 

English: Wren

Gwrach yr Ellyll 

© David Tippling / 2020VISION

Welsh: Gwrach yr Ellyll 

English: Common Swift 

Meaning: The Goblin's Witch

Gwennol y Bondo

© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Gwennol y Bondo 

English: House Martin 

Meaning: Eaves' Swallow


© Skomer Assistant Warden / WTSWW

Welsh: Hugan 

English: Gannet

Hwyaden Gladdu

© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Hwyaden Gladdu 

English: Shelduck 

Meaning: Burial Duck 

Iâr Ddŵr 

© Skomer VO / WTSWW
Welsh: Iâr Ddŵr 

English: Moorhen 

Meaning: Water Hen 

Jac Llwyd y Baw

© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Jac Llwyd y Baw 

English: Dunnock 

Meaning: Dirty Grey Jack 

Morlo Llwyd

© Seal Project Officer / WTSWW

Welsh: Morlo Llwyd

English: Grey Seal


© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Mwyalchen 

English: Blackbird


© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Pâl 

English: Puffin 

Pegi Big Hir 

© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Pegi Big Hir 

English: Curlew 

Meaning: Long beaked Peggy


© Skomer Assistant Warden / WTSWW

Welsh: Poethwy 

English: Razorbill 

Meaning: Hot egg


© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Sigl-di-gwt 

English: Pied wagtail 󠁧󠁢󠁷

Meaning: Shake-yer'-but

Teiliwr Llundain

© Skomer Volunteer Warden / WTSWW

Welsh: Teiliwr Llundain 

English: Goldfinch 

Meaning: Little Tailor from London

Tinwen y Garn

© Skomer VO / WTSWW

Welsh: Tinwen y Garn 

English: Wheatear 

Meaning: White-bum of the stones 

Twm Pib

© Skomer Assistant Warden / WTSWW

Welsh: Twm Pib 

English: Oystercatcher 

Meaning: Piping Tom

Tylluan Glustiog

© Skomer VO / WTSWW
Welsh: Tylluan Glustiog 

English: Short-eared Owl 

We hope you have enjoyed learning a little more Welsh with us this year. Until next time. Wela i di wedyn!

Beth, Visitor Officer

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