
Tuesday, 31 May 2022

May Mayhem

It’s a glorious sunny morning here on Skomer – mae’n bendigedig. Two wrens are having a sing-off across the farm courtyard, swallows are chattering as they flit in and out of the visitor centre, and Visitor Officer/ Chief Dumper Wrangler Beth is tightening the ratchet straps on the dumper for another hostel changeover.

In between finishing my second-last Breeding Bird Survey of the season and setting off to morning boats to meet oncoming visitors, time for a whistlestop update on the month that was…

The past fortnight has been dominated by seabird counts. Visitors to the island might have noticed members of the team variously perched on rocky outposts staring down scopes, or out on the boat trying to keep binoculars steady as we survey the cliffs. We’ve been joined by ever-enthusiastic seabird volunteer Becci, who as well as being a dab hand at the tiller seems to have a knack for always knowing the right moment to offer a biscuit.

Becci at the helm

Beth counting guillemots

Skomer from the sea

Leighton and Kelda 

In previous years, we’ve counted all cliff-nesting species from 1st June, completing two full counts within three weeks. A recent change in the methodology moved the start date for guillemots and razorbills to the median guillemot egg-lay date: this year, the 17th of May. We hope this will more accurately reflect the numbers of auks breeding on Skomer’s cliffs. Unfortunately, the weather was not particularly obliging to begin with, with strong winds and then thick fog scuppering many of our initial attempts. As of yesterday though, we’ve officially finished the first count (to our great relief!). Now for count 2…

Using our new Leica scope to count South Stream

A moment of triumph - first count of Bull Hole

We’ve also been finishing our final round of Breeding Bird Surveys, which allow us to map breeding activity across the island. We follow the same transects four times from April to early June – this year, a spell of good weather in March meant we also did a preliminary survey. It’ll be interesting to put all the maps together – it’s a bit like piecing together a jigsaw. Whilst sorry to farewell my transects for the year, I confess to some relief that I can leave the gull colonies undisturbed – for their sakes and my own. Their aim is improving, and I only have so many clean clothes…

Gulls with good aim!

Their increased territorial behaviour can be put down to parenthood – there are chicks everywhere on the island just now, from our now quite well-grown moorhen adolescents at Moorey Mere to brand new razorbill chicks, to the fluffy dinosaurs that are great black-backed gull chicks. Our hearts were in our mouths this week when we discovered eight unaccompanied mallard ducklings huddled together near the boat shed at North Haven. Fortunately, mama duck eventually appeared, leading her small brood out to sea. A perilous journey – but who knows? They might just make it…

Razorbill chick by Simon Davies

Lesser black-backed gull chick

Bird highlights of the month included two shrikes in two days – a smart red-backed shrike near the farm (18th May), spotted by a sharp-eyed hostel guest, and then a very obliging woodchat shrike (19th May), who settled in for a few days near the Moorey Mere hide. Warden Leighton then spotted a nightjar being mobbed by rock pipits in North Haven on the 24th. Yellow wagtails were seen on the 13th and 14th May, and pied flycatcher and whinchat on the 15th May, along with good numbers of spotted flycatchers throughout the month. We’ve had a few cuckoos coming through as well, with one calling two nights ago in North Valley – my first of the year, and always a delight.

Woodchat shrike and half of a bee

Meanwhile, Skomer’s weekly volunteers have been busy keeping the island ticking over. In addition to the usual fare of cleaning, helping with boats and walking and talking to visitors, they’ve been scything paths, whipping up shelves, spotting cetaceans and assisting with yard clearance. Many thanks to them all – we’d be quite lost without you.

For now, time to pick up the VHF radio and head to morning boats – with hopes to be able to write more soon.

-        - Ceris, Assistant Warden

A headland with pink sea thrift on it, with a background of grey seas and skies
Skomer Head turning pink with sea thrift

South Stream from above

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