Friday 31 July 2009

HP sauce and Lolly-pops.

A survey of remains at the nests of Greater Black-backed Gulls looked at their diet. This year they have mostly been eating Rabbits, Manx Shearwaters and rubbish - as usual. Some more unusual finds include an HP sauce sachet, some orange string, a foil pie case, a Turkey leg, a lolly-pop stick, some bits of glass and a blue latex glove. Euurgh!

More unsettled weather meant that the boat couldn't run on a couple of days this week. Some lucky people on one boat that crossed got great views of a big sunfish just outside North Haven - the third sighting so far.

Coming soon (today i think!) the Wildlife highlights from Skomer for July and things to keep an eye out for in August on the island - go to...........

Soggy weather has seen lots of mushrooms popping up, in particular the first Parasols of the year.

Jo Milborrow

Skomer Warden

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